Somaya Mostafa Soliman

Somaya Mostafa Soliman

Internal Medicine Consultant, Fever hospital KFD

Alexandria, Egypt
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Internal medicine and infectious disease specialist

Fever hospital at KFD
May, 2010 - Feb, 2022
KFD, Egypt

Coordinator of the internal medicine and post-ICU department and emergency dep

El Ekbal hospital
Jun, 2015 - Oct, 2021
Alexandria, Egypt


Master (MSc/MA), The Trpoical medicine and infectious diseases

Shbin Elkom University faculty of medicine, Elmonfia, Egypt
Jan, 2014 - Apr, 2017

Master (MSc/MA), Diploma in infectious diseases 2017

Alexandria University, Alexandria, Qatar
Sep, 2002 - Oct, 2008

Bachelor(BSc/BA), Medicine

Faculty of medicine Alexandria university, Alexandria, Egypt
Sep, 2002 - Oct, 2008

IT Skills

Using tools for data entry and writing prescription and diagnosis


English, Arabic
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