Ronak Ahmed

Ronak Ahmed

Dermatology Specialist, Dermatology Medical Center, Sulaymaniyah

Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
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Dermatology Specialist

Dermatology Medical Center
Jan, 2011 - Present
Sulaymaniyah, Iraq

Clinical Dermatologist

Rizgary Teaching Hospital
Jan, 2008 - Jan, 2011
Erbil, Iraq

Residency and Permanent Doctor, Dermatology

Rizgary Teaching Hospital
Jan, 2004 - Jan, 2008
Erbil, Iraq


Doctorate(PhD), Clinical Dermatology

University of Sulaimani, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
May, 2017 - Dec, 2020

Master (MSc/MA), Clinical Dermatology

Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq
May, 2005 - May, 2008

Bachelor(BSc/BA), MBChB

University of Sulaimani, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
Sep, 1994 - Oct, 2000

IT Skills



Arabic, English

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