Paul Brew

Paul Brew

Aged Care & Disability Services Manager, MultiLink Community Services Inc.

Brisbane, Australia
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Aged Care & Disability Services Manager

MultiLink Community Services Inc.
May, 2022 - Present
Brisbane, Australia


Other, Human Resource Management

Southbank Institute of Technology, Qld, Australia
Jun, 2012 - Aug, 2012

Other, Small Business Management

Southbank Institute of Technology, Qld, Australia
Feb, 2012 - Jun, 2012

Other, Training & Assessment

Southbank Institute of Technology, Qld, Australia
Feb, 2011 - Jun, 2011

Other, Business Management

Southbank Institute of Technology, Qld, Australia
Feb, 2009 - Oct, 2009

Other, Project Management

Southbank Institute of Technology, Qld, Australia
Feb, 2009 - Oct, 2009

Master (MSc/MA), Toxicology

University of Surrey, Surrey, United Kingdom
Oct, 1995 - Oct, 1996

Bachelor(BSc/BA), BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science

University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Sep, 1993 - Jun, 1995

Other, Clinical Laboratory Science

Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland
Sep, 1990 - Jun, 1993


Intermediate Membership

Australian Institute of Medical Scientists, Australia

IT Skills


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