Mohd Azhar Uddin

Mohd Azhar Uddin

Creative/Graphic Designer, Flying Forebrain

Hyderabad, India
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Creative/Graphic Designer

Flying Forebrain
Mar, 2018 - Present
Hyderabad, India

Digital Interaction Advisor

24.7 Cust PVT LTD
Sep, 2017 - Jan, 2018
Hyderabad, India


Other, ECE

Jawaharlal Technological University Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Jul, 2011 - Jul, 2015

IT Skills

Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects and other Related Applications, Web Designing (Wordpress), Customer Support, Digital Marketing Executive, Content Writer, Graphic Designer


Hindi, Urdu, English, Telugu
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