mehdi azadi

mehdi azadi

Control Room Operator, Pardis Petrochemical Company

Tehran, Iran
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Master Operator control room

Pardis Petrochemical Company
Oct, 2016 - Present
Asaluyeh, Iran

Master Operator of control room

Pardis Petrochemical Company
Aug, 2016 - Present
Asaluyeh, Iran

Master Operator Control room

Pardis Petrochemical Company
Aug, 2012 - Present
Asaluyeh, Iran

Master Operator Control room

Pardis Petrochemical Company
Aug, 2012 - Present
Asaluyeh, Iran

Master Operator of Control room

Pardis Petrochemical Company
Aug, 2012 - Present
Asaluyeh, Iran

Control Room Operator

Pardis Petrochemical Company
Aug, 2012 - Present
Asaluyeh, Iran

Site Engineer

Pardis Petrochemical Company
Jul, 2012 - Sep, 2014
Asaluyeh, Iran


Master (MSc/MA), bio technology

Azad Islamic university, Bushehr, Iran
Sep, 2014 - Nov, 2016

Bachelor(BSc/BA), Chemical engineering

Azad Islamic university, Bushehr, Iran
Sep, 2006 - Sep, 2010

IT Skills

FCS system, Microsoft, Hysys


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