Khusrao Adil khan

Khusrao Adil khan

Senior Software Engineer, Comscore Technologies India Pvt. Ltd

Pune, India
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Senior Software Engineer

Comscore Technologies India Pvt. Ltd
Apr, 2021 - Present
Pune, India

Senior Software Engineer

GlobalLogic India Pvt. Ltd
Oct, 2018 - Apr, 2021
Nagpur, India

Software Engineer

Creative IT India Pvt. Ltd
Jul, 2015 - Oct, 2018
Mumbai, India


Bachelor(BSc/BA), Computer Science, Math, Physics

Rajiv Gandhi technical University,Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Oct, 2009 - Jul, 2013

IT Skills

.NET frameworks, C# Language, HTML /CSS /SCSS, Javascript, Reporting Tools (SSRS & RDLC), VB.NET, Visual Basic, ADO.Net, react JS, ASP.NET


English, Hindi, Marathi, Urdu, Arabic
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