Jose Motha

Jose Motha

General Manager - Operations, IT and Supply Chain Management, Falken Tyre India Pvt Ltd

Gurgaon, India
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General Manager - Operations, IT and Supply Chain Management

Falken Tyre India Pvt Ltd
Nov, 2012 - Mar, 2023
Gurgaon, India

Sr. General Manager

Merchem Limited
Dec, 2011 - Aug, 2012
Kochi, India

Head - Trade and Distribution

Oxford University Press
Apr, 2011 - Oct, 2011
New Delhi, India

Dec' 90 and rose to the position of Divisional Head

Apollo Tyres Ltd
Dec, 1990 - Mar, 2011
Gurgaon, India


Master (MSc/MA), Operations Management

MD University, Array, India
Jun, 2006 - Jul, 2008

Bachelor(BSc/BA), Production Engineering

Kerala University, Kerala, India
Jun, 1985 - Sep, 1989

IT Skills

CRM, ERP, MRP, SAP, Salesforce.Com, SOPS, ISO, BPR, Team Management, WEB Based


English, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil
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