Chris Zaleski

Chris Zaleski

Research Associate, Loughborough University

Leicester, United Kingdom
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Research Associate

Loughborough University
Jan, 2020 - Present
Loughborough, United Kingdom

Process Chemist

Scionix Ltd – a joint venture between University of Leicester and Genacys Ltd
Sep, 2013 - Dec, 2019
Leicester, United Kingdom


Eclipse Scientific Ltd
Mar, 2006 - Sep, 2010
Chatteris, United Kingdom

Scientific Assistant

Environment Agency
May, 2004 - Mar, 2006
Leeds, United Kingdom


Doctorate(PhD), Chemistry

University of Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Oct, 2010 - Jul, 2015

Master (MSc/MA), Chemistry

University of Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Oct, 2008 - Jan, 2011

Master (MSc/MA), Biotechnology

University of Life Sciences, Poznan, Poland, Poznan, Poland
Oct, 1996 - Jul, 2001
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