Ashly Carlton Saldanha

Ashly Carlton Saldanha

Product Owner, FIS Private Ltd

Bangalore, India
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Product Owner

FIS Private Ltd
Jan, 2022 - Feb, 2023
Bangalore, India

Product Owner

IBM India Private Ltd
May, 2015 - Dec, 2021
Bangalore, India

Business Analyst

JP Morgan Private Ltd
Feb, 2013 - Dec, 2014
Bangalore, India

SME - TEch Support

Unisys Private Ltd
Jul, 2010 - Dec, 2012
Bangalore, India

Tech Support

Private Ltd. and Dell Private Ltd
Aug, 2008 - Jul, 2010
Bangalore, India


Bachelor(BSc/BA), Electronics

Bangalore University, Karnataka, India
Jun, 2002 - Jul, 2005

IT Skills

Agile, IT Infrastructure Library, JIRA, Product Management, Scrum, Application Development, UAT, ITIL, Sarbanes Oxley, Unisys


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