Ashfaqullah Khan

Ashfaqullah Khan

Finance Director, Al Yusr Leasing & Financing Co Ltd

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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Budgeting, Reporting and Development Manager

ABR Contracting Co
Aug, 2022 - Present
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Group Finance Manager

Al Jeri Investment Co
Aug, 2020 - Aug, 2022
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Finance Director

Al Yusr Leasing and Financing Co Ltd
Mar, 2000 - Apr, 2020
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Management Accountant

Olayan Descon Industrial Co Ltd
Dec, 1995 - Jan, 2000
Jubail, Saudi Arabia

Accounts Officer

Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)
Feb, 1994 - Nov, 1995
Lahore, Pakistan

Accounts Officer

Jaffer Brothers Group
Jan, 1992 - Feb, 1994
Lahore, Pakistan


, • Master of Arts (Economics)

University of the Punjab , , Pakistan

, • Post graduate diploma in Cost and Management Accounting

University of the Punjab , , Pakistan

Other, • Master of Commerce (Finance)

University of the Punjab , , Pakistan


Chareterd Management Accountant

Chareted Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) UK, United Kingdom

Fellow Cost & Management Accountant

Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of Pakistan , Pakistan

Fellow Public Accountant

Pakistan Institute of Public finance Accountants, Pakistan

IT Skills


English, Urdu
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