Amar Jit Sharma

Amar Jit Sharma

General Manager, Bharatiya international ltd.

Chennai, India
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Senior Merchandising Manger

Bhartiya International Ltd
Jan, 2020 - Present
Chennai , India

Merchandising of fashion accessories like Bags, Belts, Wallets & Open footwear

Merchandising Manger with Tangerine Design Pvt. Ltd
Aug, 2013 - Nov, 2019
Gurgaon, India


CREW BOS Product Ltd
Dec, 2007 - Jul, 2013
Gurgaon , India


MBA, Marketing

SMU, Haryana , India
Apr, 2014 - Dec, 2017

Bachelor(BSc/BA), Computer

BCA, Delhi , India
Mar, 2004 - Oct, 2007

IT Skills

Oasis, Excel, Microsoft Excel, Photoshop
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