Ahmad Raza

Ahmad Raza

Science Teacher, Islamabad Carrier College (ICC)

Dubai, UAE
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Science Teacher

Islamabad Carrier College (ICC)
Oct, 2018 - Oct, 2019
Islamabad, Pakistan

Pastoral Care Coordinator

Islamabad Carrier College (ICC)
Oct, 2018 - Oct, 2019
Islamabad, Pakistan

Science Teacher

Superior College Barakahu
Apr, 2018 - Sep, 2018
Islamabad, Pakistan

Research Assistant

Cell Signalling Network Lab, Kongju National University
Sep, 2017 - Mar, 2018
Gongju, South Korea

Survey Enumerator

Institute of Social & Cultural Studies, University of Punjab
Jun, 2017 - Jul, 2017
Islamabad, Pakistan

Science Teacher

Vision Coaching Centre
Oct, 2013 - Jun, 2017
Islamabad, Pakistan


Bachelor(BSc/BA), Pharmacy

Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan
Oct, 2011 - Jul, 2017


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