Abdulrahman Yamani

Abdulrahman Yamani

Free lance consultant, Self employed

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
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Free lance consultant

Self employed
Jan, 2017 - Feb, 2021
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Advisor to H.E. The Ministr Of Economy & Planning (MEP)

Ministry Of Economy & Planning (MEP)
Nov, 2015 - Jul, 2016
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


Doctorate(PhD), Industrial and Systems Engineering

University of Florida – USA, Gainesville, Florida, United States
Jan, 1981 - Dec, 1986

Master (MSc/MA), Industrial Engineering

Stanford University – USA, Palo Alto, California, United States
Sep, 1978 - Dec, 1980

Bachelor(BSc/BA), Systems Engineering

King Fahd University for Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran,, Saudi Arabia
Aug, 1972 - Jun, 1977

IT Skills

Word, Power Point, Excell


English, Arabic
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