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Priyanshu Katiyar

Priyanshu Katiyar

Senior DevOps Engineer, K12 Techno Services PVT LTD

Bangalore, India
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Senior DevOps Engineer

K12 Techno Services PVT LTD
Feb, 2023 - Present
Bangalore, UAE

DevOps Engineer

Securrency Solutions Technology
Jan, 2022 - Feb, 2023
Abu Dhabi, UAE

DevOps Engineer

DLT Labs Pvt Ltd
Oct, 2020 - Dec, 2021
Noida, India

Server Administrator

Entrada Infospace Pvt Ltd
Apr, 2019 - Oct, 2020
Noida, India


Bachelor(BSc/BA), Computer Science Engineering

Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, India
Apr, 2015 - Mar, 2019

IT Skills

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon Web Services, AWS EKS, Azure Cloud Services, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, APM, Azure Devops, DEV OPS



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