Ref: GP040-116

Job description / Role

Employment: Full Time

- Carry out a review of existing HR Policies and Procedures and identify gaps and capacity weaknesses or perform a SWOT analysis study on the current situation of HR department.
- Set up HR strategy in line with the overall organization mission, vision and objectives.
- Develop and implement a Performance Measurement Systems throughout the organization.
- Develop and implement a Training Plan for all functions.
- Review Job Descriptions throughout the entire organization.
- Develop and implement a Career Development Program.
- Establish a succession plan.


- MBA/MPA, Masters level degree in HR or any relevant discipline.
- Minimum 10-15 years of experience in Human Resources management and administration. Thorough knowledge of HR policies and procedures.
- Experience in supporting overall HR Department in major private/Governmental sectors.
- A good command of oral and written English.

About the Company

Globnet is a respected privately owned management consultancy that has been operating in Oman for several years and has built a strong network of contacts in the country at various levels in the public services sector.

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